Monday, April 5, 2010

Tot School

Lucas is 17months

Tot School

This week in Tot - School

Hmmm which colour should I choose??
We did some colouring this week, Lucas is showing interest in learning the colour names so far he can say yellow and red, now just to work on matching the colours to the names!

We explored in the water tub again this week!

Lucas really enjoyed playing in the water so I put it out again. This time I added some plastic ice cubes and a slotted spoon for him to transfer the ice cubes into a bowl

He really enjoyed this activity, his favourite part was dumping this ice cubes back into the water he thought it was pretty funny making the water splash

We spent some time playing with out little people zoo this week

I started helping him to match the animals to their pictures, we did that for a few minutes and then he lost interest so we just did some role playing with the animals which he really enjoyed!

Apparently I have not been providing Lucas with enough sensory play so he decided to help himself...

Lucas found a bag of flour and decided to dump it onto our upside down picnic table! Funny thing is I was in the kitchen with him the whole time and didn't even realize what he was doing until after he dumped the bag lol 

He played in here for about a half hour while I finished making dinner, then he helped me to vacuum it all up : )

I printed this great easter matching activity from Home Grown Hearts

Lucas matched about 3 eggs before he lost interest... Oh well! Ill just tuck them away for next year ; ) 

Mommas favorite photo this week....


  1. Haha! I love the flour pics! Boys will be boys I guess!

  2. The flour picture is great!!!

  3. Oh my goodness - wow what a mess! How cute though! Moments like these are priceless! What a great week! :)

  4. What a fun week (minus the mess). Love the flour picture!

  5. I love your favorite pic! This will me such a fun memory and story to share in years to come.

  6. Thanks for stopping by our place! Looks like your little guy had tons of fun! Splashing is what makes water time the best. :)

  7. Looks like a really fun week!! The photo of him at the end is so cute!!! My little one did this recently but with a carton of eggs instead of flour... yuck.

  8. You are a great mom to be able to laugh about the flour, embrace the opportunity and let him continue to play in it (and then help clean up of course).
    I like your plastic ice cube idea....I should look for some of those.

  9. What great fun! I love the photos of him all covered in flour! I'll have to try the ice cube transfer, I know Xander will love it. Thanks for sharing your week.


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