Since Lucas has stopped taking his afternoon naps it has been really difficult to find time to get online! Let alone upload hundreds of pictures and write a whole post!! Oh well.. Better late then never : ) Here is a look at our past week.
Learning through art and crafting

Lucas did painting/printing with some left over bubble paper packaging. I have seen this on several different blogs, it is also an activity that I had bookmarked from our
First Art

Lucas has been really interested in using scissors over the past two weeks. He has been helping himself to the scissors and paper and he has gotten really good at using them. This week I will be setting up some more structured scissor activities for him.
Learning through creative play

Lucas is really into role playing right now. In the picture above we used our waffle blocks to build a house and then he set up the table with the mommy, the daddy, the big brother and the baby.

Here is look at Lucas during play. I helped Lucas to set up his blocks and then he arranged the trees, street lights & signs, and people around the town. Then he drove his vehicles around to the different locations. He pretended one of the blocks was toys r us – his favourite store : )

Lucas has always loved our marble run but now that he can independently set up a track, he plays with it nonstop!

Another very popular toy this week was our train table. For the past 2 months the tracks had been packed away, once they were set up again there was lots of renewed interest!
Other Fun Stuff
From May to October we spend the majority of our weekends at our trailer up north, this past weekend was our first time up there this year. While we are there we spent 90% of our time outside playing so Lucas had a blast– except for at night when he cried to go home : (
In the picture above the trailer that you see across the road, belongs to my in-laws.
On the roof of their shed a robin made a nest and had some babies

aren’t they beautiful? Lucas wasn’t really interested in them… but I think I took nearly 100 photos of them!
That’s it for this week!
Visit 1plus1plus1equals1 to see what other tots are learning.